Beaumont Parent Social "A Night at the Races"  

A Night at the Races

Friday, April 4th at 7:00-10:00 p.m.


The Devon Club at Devon Horse Show Grounds

23 Dorset Road, Devon


Presale tickets are $45/person by April 1st ($50 at the door) - includes naming your own horse!


This is an adult only event. Derby attire appreciated; bring your own fare and drinks.


This fun evening includes race betting ($2 bets), raffles, 50/50 and the popular Beaumont Experience auction. Cash or credit card accepted. 


What is A Night at the Races?

A Night at the Races is an audience-participation event where actual horse races are shown to recreate the fun and excitement of being at the racetrack. You will receive a program which lists the races and all the horses. If you have the winning horse, you'll win $50! It is a thrilling and immersive fundraiser for our school and a night to remember!


This is a fundraising event and all proceeds will directly benefit Beaumont and our amazing teachers!